Add Products Manually
To add a product to our Jinius Marketplace shop using the Manual Import method, what you need to do is:
- Log into Mirakl.
- Go to "Price and stock → Offers" and press “Add an Offer” button in the top-right corner.
- Here first search if the product already exists as shown below
If it does, click on the product and then:
a) Confirm the Product Details
b) Add the Stock Quantity you have
c) Add your Price
d) Press button “Create Offer”
In this case, there are no more actions that you need to do. The product will appear on the Jinius Marketplace once it has been approved by Jinius staff. -
If the product does not exist, click “Create a product”.
Select which Category the product will be listed under.
Next add the Product Characteristics. The mandatory fields are marked with a (*) symbol. The Characteristics available depend on the Category you selected in step #5.
In section “Variation configuration”, you will configure the Variations of your product (different colors, sizes, types, etc). If it does not have variants, skip this step.
Adding Variants will make all Variants appear on the same product page like here:
(this example has variants for "Size" and "Shade")
To add Variants of the Product:a) Press the “Select variant attributes” button
b) Select the characteristics that are different for each variation. E.g. if you have a T-Shirt that is available in 2 colors and 3 sizes, you would select the “refinementColor”, “color” and “Size”.
Note 1: Here you can also select the Image so that you can show a different image for each variant by selecting the attributes:
- "Product mainImage url"
- "Product secondary_image_1 url"
- "Product secondary_image_2 url"
- "Product secondary_image_3 url"
Note 2: Each Variant must have a unique "Shop sku".c) Next press the “Add a variant” button for as many variations you want to add.
In “Offer Characteristics”, fill in all mandatory fields.
Other fields you can fill in are:
- Discount Price: If a product SKU is discounted, write the Discounted Price. This way, on the website the original price will be crossed out and the Sales Price will show.
- Discount period: You can set specific dates for when the "Discount Price" will appear. You can schedule future sales this way.
- Vat Percentage: If you do not fill this in, VAT is set to 19%. If the product you are selling falls under a different VAT bracket, select the VAT of the product.
Note: If in the previous step you added variants, you will need to add this information for all variants. -
After you review the information you entered, press the “Submit for approval” button. The product will now be reviewed by Jinius staff. In the meantime, the approval status can be tracked from Catalog → Catalog Manager.
In Catalog → Catalog Manager, once the status changes to “Published”, check that the product(s) you have added have a listed “Quantity” and “Unit Price”. If they don’t, you will need to re-enter the price and quantity for those products by pressing the “Add an offer” link in order for them to appear on the Jinius Storefront.
Update Products Manually
Through the manual process, only certain aspects of a product can be updated.
Price and Stock Quantity can be changed:
- Log into Mirakl.
- Go to Price and stock > Offers
- Here find the Product or Variant of product you with to update using the Filters on the left side of the screen.
- From the list, alter the Price and/or Qty values accordingly.
- Press “Confirm” at the bottom of the page.
Some Characteristics of each Product can also be updated (not all though, e.g. Shop sku). To do this:
- Log into Mirakl.
- Go to Catalog Manager.
- Find the product you want to update, then click on it
- Press “Edit” in the top-right corner.
- From the list of values, make the changes you want.
Note! Make sure all mandatory fields are filled in.
- Once you have made all your changes, press “Save” at the bottom of the screen.
Delete Offers Manually
To de-list a product from the Jinius Storefront, you need to delete all Offers that are associated with that product (or set the offer stock to 0). The Product itself cannot be deleted. The reason is that in the future you may want to re-add it with a new Offer.
To de-list a Product by removing the Offers associated to it, you need to:
- Log into Mirakl and go to Price and stock → Offers
- Use the Filters and press “Refresh” on the left to find the Offers.
- Select the checkbox next to the products you want to de-list, then press the “Delete selected offers” checkbox.
Once this is done, the offers will be remove and shortly after, the products will disappear from the Jinius Storefront.