To view your Pending Orders, log into Mirakl and click on My Orders > Orders to Process (you can also find these under My Orders > All Orders).
The orders that you have not accepted, will have “Pending Acceptance” status.
Once you click on the order, you will be able to either “Accept” or “Reject” each product contained in the order.
If the order has more than one product you can also “Accept all items” or “Reject all items”.
Once you have selected which items to Accept/Reject, press “Update order”.
A few things to have in mind at this point:
- Before accepting an order, please check the prices, quantities, and lead time to ship.
- If you take longer than 3 days to respond to an order, the order will get auto rejected.
Note: Your shop will be suspended if you have multiple auto-rejected orders. If the order is rejected, the stock for the products associated with an order will change to zero.