When visitors browse through the various categories of the Jinius Marketplace, they have the ability to choose how to display/sort the products in the category they are viewing.
The sorting options they have are:
- Price Low to High
- Price High to Low
- Product Name A-Z
- Product Name Z-A
- Brand
- Most Popular
The default sorting option though is Most Popular.
For each product, this Sorting Rule calculates the following statistics and shows products with a higher score first:
- 25% Views in the last 30 days: The number of times a product has appeared in the list page for a user, in the last 30 days. This includes visits to categories "New Arrivals", "Sales", etc.
- 25% Sales Velocity: The ratio of the product sales compared to the how long the product has been online.
- 25% Look to Book ratio: The ratio of the product sales compared to how many times a user has clicked on the product.
- 25% Availability: The stock level that you have configured in Jinius.